Real-time visualization of a large number of circles using OpenGL
When using Matplotlib, animations of a large number of circles becomes slow. Using OpenGL, over a million circles can be animated in realtime.
When using Matplotlib, animations of a large number of circles becomes slow. Using OpenGL, over a million circles can be animated in realtime.
Given two or more Delaunay tessellations, you may be interested in measuring how much they overlap with one another
When using Matplotlib, animations of a large number of circles becomes slow. Using OpenGL, over a million circles can be animated in realtime.
Compare the performance of different FFT implementations, using Python
A ray tracing turorial series for OptiX 7 starting from the basics and covering advanced topics from materials and real-time animation
When using Matplotlib, animations of a large number of circles becomes slow. Using OpenGL, over a million circles can be animated in realtime.
Given two or more Delaunay tessellations, you may be interested in measuring how much they overlap with one another
Given two or more Delaunay tessellations, you may be interested in measuring how much they overlap with one another
Compare the performance of different FFT implementations, using Python
A ray tracing turorial series for OptiX 7 starting from the basics and covering advanced topics from materials and real-time animation