Real-time ray tracing tutorial series using NVIDIA OptiX 7

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(This is a work in progress)

Getting started

Configure OptiX, setup a shader binding table, and write a ray-generation and ray-miss program to render a background gradient

Rendering a triangle

Write vertex data to the GPU, build a geometry acceleration structure (GAS), and write a closest-hit program to render a single triangle

Making a custom primitive: ray-sphere intersection

Write a ray-intersection program, create a custom primitive, and render a sphere using the intersection point and surface normal vector

Light sources and basic shading

Use an instance acceleration structure (IAS) to combine triangle meshes and spheres to create a scene with ambient, diffuse and specular lighting

Advanced shading: shadows

Introduce a second ray type, define occlusion shaders, and move the light source to cast dynamic shadows


  1. Implementing a user-controlled camera
  2. Denoising
  3. Exporting to image or video
  4. A high-level Python interface using pybind11
